Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Marathon Training: Week Four

Mon 2.75mi run + 7.5min cross- Today I did 7.5min of biking and then tried to elliptical for the rest of the time but, I could only manage 10min due to some uncomfort in my ankle. So, I finished back on the bike for 22.5min. I could tell after working out that the elliptical is good for my legs and mimicking a more running like motion.

Tue 30min bike + strength- I took a real outdoor bike ride with Wayne around Mount Holly for maybe 35-40 min. I tried to go a little long because I feel like I cheat when coasting down hill on outdoor bike rides. We came back and did just a small set of the RW Iron Strength workout. I was able to do more than I thought I would be able to but my ankle doesn't like to jump around yet.

Wed 1.5mi run + 15min cross steady- First "workout" training day according to my training plan but I biked in the gym for 15min and then hopped on the elliptical for 10min and finished with a final 5min bike. It wasn't quite the workout I'd originally planned because it just felt like too much strain on my ankle still to do real running or even as much ellipticaling as I'd planned.

Fri 15min cross + 45min run- I did an easy warmup bike of 15min and then stopped to stretch and do a few lunges. I then ellipticaled for 45min with prettymuch no discomfort in my ankle! I did have to slow down on occasion and try step in a way to put pressure on different areas of the bottom of my foot in order to allow blood flow and get my toes to stop being numb. This is a thing that happens on the elliptical and I'm not exactly sure why. My heart rate and breathing where slow and easy the whole time. Today was a swell mental confidence booster. I can feel imbalences evening out. My right ankle is still catching up a bit but it's much closer to normal than two weeks ago. Yay!
Sat 37.5min cross + 2.25mi run- I walked for 18min45sec then had to stand in place for a minute so my GPS watch would lock onto nearby satellites. I had a nice run around downtown mount holly and then I finished with another18min45sec walk back home. I still feel a bit silly walking and would like to try to make it to the gym's morning Saturday hours in the next week or two.

Sun roll + ice- I did some local ankle icing but I didn't have much more time after a shower and a late night dinner when I got home from work. Focusing on my breathing is carrying over to everyday life. Running is less labor intensiveand enjoyable when relaxed and breathing easy. This is an interesting concept for someone with pectus excavatum.

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