Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Marathon Training: Week Three

A very hesitant and crestfallen start to the week has turned into hopeful renewal.

Mon 2mi run + 10min cross- I took the day off and Iced my ankle as often as I could before work. It feels much better tonight. I can sleep comfortably. I ran a few steps up and down hill and it still felt uncomfortable, but not sharp pain. Don't want to injure further so I guess I'll take biking tomorrow lightly and not elliptical until Friday

Tue 30min bike + strength- 10min of seated stationary bike and then 20min of the up right stationary bike. I did push the cadence and resistance a bit more than usual in order to make up for a small amount of lost ground yesterday. I just did two circuits of leg extensions, back extensions with light weight, and sit ups .

Wed 1.5mi run + 15min cross- I split my time evenly between the upright and seated stationary bikes. I increased my resistance once or twice again today. I feel pretty good. I feel like my left achillies is compensating a bit for the right ankle weakness.

Fri 40min run + 15min bike- I ran a fair amount at work today while doing a team edition showing a group of folks around the USNWC to various activities. The ankle is a little swollen still but it feels ok. This is my first day ellypticaling again after rolling ankle. Ellipticaling went well with no pain or post exercise swelling.

Sat 2mi run + 30min cross- Again my work schedule interfered with being able to attend the 9am-1pm gym hours today so, I walked and ran around the neighborhood. I walked for 22min, ran 2miles, and then walked 8 min back home.

Sun- meant to take an ice bath and foam roll but....life gets busy, I guess. I just iced my ankle with a small ice pack. It is more sore and swollen today. I'll try to be god to it.

The week went much better than I'd hoped. I don't think I'll have to further re-evaluate or adjust my training plan as I thought I might have to. Good news! Just reminding my self to go slow and be patient.

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