Saturday, August 22, 2015

Marathon Training: Week Six

The weeks keep getting better slowly but surely. The joy of running and feeling capable and uninjured is returning. Huzzah!

Mon 2.75mi run + 2.5min cross- Today I biked for 2.5min, did  lunges and stretches, then ellipticaled for 27.5min. My legs feel as they should with more elliptical running motion.

Tue 30 min bike + strength- Warmed up with lunges and stretches and then biked. I also added just a few light weights.

Wed 2mi run + 10min cross- Today felt really good! It did take the first 5-10 min for my body to get comfy but, this is the first happy/joyful run I've had in a very long time. I switched my breathing pattern from 3/3 to 2/2 throughout the run, and ran the second mile with my right shoe untied. Running on grass was comfy with no ankle pain on the uneven surface. 8:50am wasn't as hot as I though it might feel. I had dew soaked shoes from the grass by the end of the run. I'd intended to elliptical instead of bike but I had no time for a warm up lunge/stretch so, I opted to go slow and ease into training on the bike so that I could better manage my time since I had to be at work at 9:30am- no shower + stinky re-worn shirt, Yay!  I was the first one through the door of the gym at 8:30am. My GPS watch took longer to connect to satellite than I'd hoped it would.

Fri 55min cross- I biked for 5min easy warm up and then did lunges and stretches. Then I ellipticaled for 50 min. My right hip had a tight tendon kink that developed during ellipticaling. It finally relaxed and popped back into place when getting back into the car to go home. My left toes are not going as numb as in the past, perhaps because my foot strikes are evening out a bit. I took a mis-step and paused for a moment to reset my feet but the elliptical machine erased my total time so I had to guess I was supposed to do 7 more min.

Sat 2.75mi run+ 32.5mincross- I walked 16.25min, ran 2.75mi, walked 16.25min. Felt great running on grass. Nice comfy pace during which I switched from 3/3-2/2 breathing

Sun ice and roll- I still didn't manage to get this done on my rest day. I did foam roll on another day. I really do need to do a real ice bath. The house we're buying has a fridge with a working ice machine so that will help a lot.

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