Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Marathon Training: Week Five

Training is getting better. My sprained ankles are almost back to normal. Now I'll just have a few weeks of correcting imbalances that have cropped up from favoring my injuries. I'm excited to start running for real again on the earthen ground and in the outdoors.

Mon 2.5mi run + 20min cross- 20min bike and then 25min elliptical plus, I did a few back and leg extensions too.

Tue 30min bike+ strength- Wayne and I spent our day off together walking through IKEA and other furniture stores dreaming about decorating this home we're about to purchase. We got caught up and I got to the gym too late to bike for a full 30min but, they where nice enough to allow me to stay for an extra 5min and do 25min total. I pushed the pace a bit in hope of  making up for some of the lost time.

Wed 2mi tempo + 10min cross- I got called off work today and was allowed a second day in a row off from work with Wayne. I did a 10min bike and then 20min elliptical in the gym. I tried not to take a break in between exercises in order to increase the duration of cardiovascular exercise.

Fri 50min run + 20min cross- Today I went to the gym before work to do my "long run" on the elliptical. I'm feeling guilty that Wayne had to clean the house and pick out anniversary desserts for my parents while I was at work and the gym. I did a 20min easy bike than did lunges, and stretched before hopping on the elliptical for the rest of the time. I managed to get off work a little early and had time to run home and shower before my parents came to visit and we went out to dinner at a small family Italian place with awesome pizza in Belmont called Simonettie's.

Sat 2.5mi run + 35min cross- Happy 17th Anniversary to my parents and Happy 57th Birthday to Dave! My achillies complained and popped a bit throughout the run. Even though I'm gradually increasing the running impact my legs are no longer happy with my running once a week. The tendons aren't keeping up with the difference in strain between real running and cross training. Starting next week I will increase my number of running days per week by one so that in 5 weeks I will be running a bit on all 5 of my weekly training days.

Sun Roll and Ice- Again I didn't get to an ice bath today but I did a few session of rolling and local icing throughout the week.

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