Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Marathon Training: Week Two

This week is feeling better. I'm glad to be in a routine again. My pace is slowly picking up steam and it feels so good to be running, for real, on the ground again.

Mon 1.75mi run + 12.5min cross- I went straight from the gym to work. It doesn't matter so much, in
these hot summer months, if I show up to work sweaty because I'm gunna sweat more at work than I will in the air conditioned gym, I did 12.5min easy on the bike and then hopped on  the elliptical for the rest.

Tue 30 min bike + strength- I'm still having to make myself go slow and easy in order to build time on my legs and avoid overtraining while I'm still six months out from the marathon. I also did two circuits of weights with about 10lbs more weight than last week.

Wed 1.5mi run + 15min cross- Today I went to the gym an then took shower before work but still had to take one again after work because I get all sweaty and sunscreen-y. I tried to slow the pace to be a recovery day.

Fri 35min run + 15min cross- Biked easy at the gym for 15min, than stretched and got some water, and then did 35min on the elliptical.

Sat 1.75mi run + 27.5min cross- Took my gps watch out for a test run. I walked 13:45 to warm up and then ran 1.75mi and finally finished with another 13:45 walking cool down. I had planned on stretching after the warm up but I was too excited to actually run that it slipped my mind till I was half way through. The run was fairly easy effort and felt much shorter than I'd expected. still haven't figured out the watch segments. Maybe I need to pre plan/program workouts?

Sun roll + ice- I'd planned to foam roll and take an ice bath after work but my day ended up being much longer than originally planned. I just wanted to relax after work by sitting and doing nothing for a bit. Sadly I rolled/strained my other (right) ankle today while at work I stepped on a large rock an over it my ankle rolled. I just keep telling myself, everything happens for reason right? Is this just a message to go slow and learn to be kinder to my body?

I want my body to heal well from this ankle injury. I can't afford to prolong it by training too much through the injury. I have to adjust my training a bit again in order to still meet my training goals of running a half marathon in two to four months and the full one in six.

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