Wednesday, April 8, 2015

10k: Week Three

Still feeling rather exhausted at the beginning of this week. I'm realizing that this training plan is designed for a beginning runner who has likely never run 6miles before The focus is on building mileage in a non-impactful way. This is still beneficial to me as I build mileage and endurance toward the marathon. I'm realizing I just need to back off the pace and focus more on how my body feels. It has taken me several weeks into this plan to see and understand the difference in training from the 5k to 10k plan. There are less drastic differences from long run to weekly recovery shakeout runs, and the heavier cross training gets mu body used to the sustained effort with less wear and tear on my body. Getting to bed earlier wouldn't hurt either so that I might recover a little better from training.

Mon 2.5mi+core- I did an easyish 2.5mi around the white water channel and Hawfield Rd at work before heading out to a coworkers going away dinner at Miguel's- our local hole in the wall authentic Mexican restauraunte. I finally tried one of their big ass 32oz beers with some guacamole salsa and chips. We learned to play "stumps" after our meal from which I have a nice bruise as a token- mmm beer and tossing hammers, how fun!

Tue 35min cross- Was going to do another split run but didn't have a car here at the house to drive to the gym so I pedaled my road bike to work and back. The roads are fairly calm around 2pm on a week day. Slower pace than I'd hoped when going up hill but compensated with down hills by trying to pedal the whole time. I took a little break between biking there and back.

Wed 2mi run- I feel much more refreshed today. Using the road bike does use different muscle than I usually use. I did two easy loops around the whitewater channel.

Fri 50min split run- Oops I only did 45min. I biked 25min to work and then changed shorts and ran 20min around the trails. My form felt super sloppy and strange after getting off the bike. I feel like because I haven't lifted weights in a while my stabilizer muscles in my core chain from my ankles, to knees, to hips, to to back have gotten weak and unsteady. I need to get better about going on Tuesdays and making myself lift after cross training.

Sa 4mi long run- The pace for  this run felt great! Wayne and  I ran the 3mi pink running loop at a lap around the white water channel. We started out pretty easy and picked up the pace a bit as the run progressed. But, it was a nice relaxed and conversational pace most of the time. I do have a tendency to run harder than conversational when I'm on my own. My right knee did hurt most of the run. It's acting like it's not tracking correctly. The pain is just under the left top edge of my knee cap and extends up a little into the muscle that's just above the knee on the front left. I feel like I really should take an ice bath tonight. My gluts are enguaging better but I think my hamstrings are still over powering my quads. I'm powering up hills much better than I have in the past. Up is better than down.

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