Tuesday, April 14, 2015

10k: Week Four

My legs are an important part of my body image. But, after this week I'm starting to feel like I'm abusing them and clouding that image...

Mon 3mi run+core- I ran the pink loop at work again. My knee still hurts but it diminished as I ran more. It seemed to help if I allowed my feet to pronate more. Perhaps I'm still holding my ankles ridged and it's causing my knee to track differently than when I had arch supports in. Part of the reason I think I feel so tired is likely because my body is still getting used to having less structure under my feet. I felt like my core chain stabilizers are still weak. But, strength will build over time. I really should take an ice bath tomorrow.

Tue 35min cross+strength- Elypticled at the gym for 22 min and then used the seated stationary bike to take some pressure off my hips ankles and achillies. I also finally did two sets of my weight lifting routine. It feels so nice!

Wed 2mi run- Easy two lap shake out run around the whitewater channel. I feel refreshed and my feet and form feel much more stable and balanced. I got some pretty hefty bruises on my shins today when I slipped on a wet board on a course as I went out to assist a guest. My left shin especially didn't feel very nice for the first mile of the run. I love running up stairs! I wouldn't normally but with construction at work my 1mi loop around the channel has had to change a bit and it makes me feel stronger to run up stairs. Tiny bit of achillies tendonitis left but much better.

Fri 50min cross+core- I wore compression socks all day today and at work yesterday to help the bruises on my shins. It did help a lot! the one on my left ankle is definitely the worst. I split the crosstraining today 25min elypticle+25min upright stationary biking plus I did one set of weights

Sat 4mi long run- You know that feeling when you're strolling down a trail and suddenly all your body weight is resting on the top/side of your foot and you realize your toes are suddenly higher than your ankle? It's just... horrifyingly sickening. I ran our newly extended East Main trail after work today starting at 8pm- so it was dark and I sprained my ankle on a downhill in the last 300 meters of the run. I did take a flashlight with me but I could see fairly well for most of the run with my eyes adjusted to the darkness. As I was running I could tell that my feet are getting stronger! My foot is more in tune with how it should move and stabilize. Much different from when I wore my uber supportive shoes.The run was not as fast as my normal pace would have been because I was taking lots of short choppy breaking steps in order to be cautious. This raises the quality vs quantity question in my mind. Was the slower pace and risky behavior worth loosing some of the benefits that I would have gotten if I'd stuck to a better lit route? I realized on the run today that my legs are much less used to running with all the cross training I've been doing instead of splitting my runs with actual running. I'd hoped the elypticling would be equivalent but I'm not so sure.

Wanna see how well I balance rest and recovery with an ongoing training plan?
Stay tuned next week for another episode!

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