Monday, October 26, 2015

Marathon Training: Week Sixteen

Mon (10/19) 3mi run + 50min bike- I ran 1.5mi to the gym, biked for 50min, and then ran home. I think this day would have been much more beneficial if I'd run the full 3mi and then biked. I'm training for distance and not speed. This may be a good day of the training week to do a real bike ride outside instead of in the gym.

Tue (10/20) 50min bike + 2mi pace- Went to the gym and biked for 50min while reading my ceramics book. Then I went outside and ran around the park for 2mi in an attempt to do another pace workout. I was trying to hold an 8:40min mile pace but instead they where both under 8:20pace. Boston qualifying pace is 8:30min mi. But I'm hoping to hold anything under 10min pace during this marathon race.

Wed (10/21) 4mi run- Went for a run around what's becoming my usual 3mile loop but added another mile through the cemetery of a local church. It's getting darker earlier but the fall colors are coming in on the trees and they're starting to collect on the ground. Runs have a different feel with a cool breeze and crunchy leaves underfoot.

Fri (10/23) 10mi run + 20min cross- I tried to get up early to run in the morning but woke up with an awful headache. I think I need to get better about drinking enough water. I got off work at 6:20pm and didn't start running till around 6:45pm. I had enough time to get 3miles done on the trails before I felt too terribly uncomfortable about running on rugged terrain. I ran the next 3miles on the paved parkway and then finished up with 4 laps around the whitewater channel. I forgot to bring my GPS watch with me so I'm not exactly sure about the distance but I erred on the side of more miles and likely exceeded the 10mi distance. I walked around the parking lot at a brisk pace to stretch out and cool down after the run.

Sat (10/24) 80min cross train- I biked to and from work today. It was about 35min each way so I may not have exactly made it to 80min of cross training but it's certainly better than my past two Saturdays of training. It seems this may have to become my normal Saturday routine so that I won't have to worry about missing the gym hours.

Sun (10/25) roll & ice- No ice bath today. I took things easy and did a little stretching.

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