Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Half Marathon: Week Two

We'll se how my training feels this week with four days of training in a row since I postponed my run from Sunday to Monday.

Mon 3mi easy- postponed yesterday's run till today in order to feel a little more rested and recovered. I opted to only do an easy two miles around downtown Mt Holly. Ran in my Brooks shoes.

Tue 30min cross+strength- split my cross training evenly between elliptical and upright stationary bike, then did two full sets of weights.

Wed 3mi pace- I realized on my return from this run that I forgot to do a small loop at the end which caused me to cut the workout about 2 tenths of a mile too short. Another benefit of having a GPS watch soon. Pacing is something I haven't done in a long time and it was an interesting experiment to see how well I could govern a pace by feel. Again I ran faster than I thought/intended. I hit the first mile at 8:19, the second mile in 15:42(7:23mi), and then finished the last .8mile at 22:32(8:30?pace). It makes me feel good to know I can run faster than I'd thought would feel comfortable. I'd planned to do 9min, 8min, 8min/see what happened. My feet and ankles seem to be evening out more but the left recently sprained one is sore and clicking just a bit after the run today. This was my first middle of the day summer run. I had a nice layer of sweat glistening on my arms when I finished.

Thr 30min swim+climb- My mom's cousin Bennette and her daughter Sara came to visit the Whitewater center today. They did some of the Hawk Island activities and then went adventure rafting. I got to eat lunch with them after I got off work. It was really nice to see them!
I went swimming early at 6pm instead of the scheduled 6:30time. It was nice to have the water to my self and not have to compete for space with the swim team kids that have been coming out. I felt like my swimming was more relaxed but also more effective. I also got  to do several m ore difficult climbs. I finished a 5.10 that I've been working on for a while and got some of our staff to play a game of Plus One.

Sat 5mi run- Ran the whitewater parkway and two laps around the whitewater channel after work. I set out at 8:50pm so it was rather dark on the way back in on the parkway. It made me a little nervous running in the bike lane on the parkway road so I'd usually get up on the grass shoulder when a car went by but then I couldn't see the divots in the grass and was afraid I'd tweak my ankle again.

Sun 3mi easy- Postponed my run until tomorrow again in favor of having a large Chinese takeout feast and homemade chocolate chip cookies.

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