Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Half Marathon: Week One

So, the plan is to run the first 5 weeks of the Hal Higdon Novice 2 training plan in order to slowly work my body back into running after my two recovery weeks off. I'm doing a bit more cross training than the plan calls for but that is also part of my transition since the 10k plan I used prior to this was almost half cross training. Then, we'll see if I feel well enough to do the Intermediate plan after that.

Tue 30min cross- Split btwn 15min of elliptical and stationary bike plus leg and back extensions and wider grip pull ups

Wed3 mi run- An easy pace out and back on the whitewater parkway

Thr Swim/Climb- I did 30 min of swimming in the Catawba river. I had not previously thought about the fact that the river would have a current and would be too silty to see through the water. I ended up swimming downstream and then frog kicking and back stroking up stream. I suppose the cross training is worth it as long as I keep moving for the entire 30 min. I set a climbing goal of 10 routs climbed. I met this almost completely with the exception of a 5.10a rout that I only did two thirds of.

Sat 4mi run- Today I did a loop around the whitewater channel and then ran the parkway. I'll take note for next week that it is not easy to run through mobs of RiverJam guests. I decided to time this run on my watch and was very surprised upon my return to see that my watch read 33min32sec. This is much faster than I'd expected. All the more reason to get a GPS watch so that I can pace properly.

Sun 3mi run- Opted not to do the run this evening, but will run tomorrow instead.

My first week of training has left me a little more tired than I'd hoped but, C'est la vie! You have to be a little sore and tired in order to get stronger. I could probably do a little better at getting more sleep and hydrating more at work. That may help a bit.

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