Sunday, January 18, 2015

5k: Week One

First week of my Marathon Journey done! It feels good knowing that I've already accomplished something small. Through the training this week I've learned a lot about my current fitness level.

The 1.5 mile training runs through the week did not tire out my legs- in fact they made me want to run more! I woke up each day this week with that old familiar itch to run. It's nice to find that I haven't lost so much endurance that a mere mile and a half three days a week is too much. It was very easy actually.

Cross training day this week turned into a road bike trip to work in low 40 degree weather. I actually stayed rather warm thanks to some awesome insulated gloves I got for Christmas. But my toes did go numb with only one pair of thin socks inside my ventilated running shoes. Because I didn't go to the gym this week on my cross training day I didn't do any strength conditioning or core exercises. I definitely want to get better about adding this into my running routine.

I did a 30 minute long run yesterday and completed it more successfully than I thought I would. Again, like with my weekday runs, It was nice to find that a 30 minute run didn't feel to hard. The pace was a little slower at times than I would have wanted but that was mainly because my form is weak. But I know that with a little work this will get better. Besides, I discovered a new trail in the woods of the USNWC that was, of course, Beautiful! I tend to be a runner that sticks to what she knows for the sake of "training effort". But it was really nice to take the path less traveled and find something new that will benefit my future runs. On a timed long run that's not gauged by exact distance, why not make it and adventure and enjoy the scenery and interest of discovering new things?

The theme this week has been to just take my runs easy. I made more effort to look around at my surroundings and view the beauty of nature. Looking at the trees and clouds appeases my artistic side- especially since I've started dabbling in acrylic painting. I see the forms and colors I would pick to mix my paints and I appreciate the amazing feats of beauty and nature that create our daily natural surroundings. Sorry, I know that's a little off track and unrelated...but  it's crazy to really see the world differently

Keeping a positive mental attitude will be my goal through out this Journey. I have a tendency to push to hard, or compare my fitness level to my peak times in high school or college. When I start ragging on my self I need to take a deep breath and tell my self "Take it one step at a time- one training day at a time." I need to ask myself "What is the goal of Today's run? Am I pushing too hard? What am I frustrated by and how can I change it over the next week?"

I started this Marathon Journey last year around the same time but, then I trained to hard. Focusing on getting fast in a 5k or 10k is not going to keep me injury free or build the mileage base I need to run a marathon. So in this respect I have learned and have changed my training. The ultimate goal is the Marathon, and the 5k and 10k are just for fun to build up my fitness level before I try my hand again at a half marathon and then the Full.

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