Mon 2.5mi run- A warm and rainy winter day. I ran a slightly larger loop than I usually do. it was
nice to get away from the flat downtown area of Mount Holly and do a few more hills and have some varied scenery. I also enjoy putting my weekly research to the test and seeing how I can improve my running. I did a fair amount of research on proper running form and was able to feel a difference in
my muscles and joints while on this run when I implemented a few changes.
Tue 20min bike+strength- Gradually going a little harder each week on the stationary bike. I also amped up the weight and reps a little on the small weight circuit I've been doing. Nice to leave the gym with my muscles shaking just a little so I know I pushed myself a bit. We went climbing with friends last night and my arms and back are a little sore before weight training today but my lovely Husband gave me a nice back massage that helped. Didn't get to the hip workout today. I'd planned on doing it with Wayne when he got home but we conked out really early at 6pm.
Wed 2mi run-Not sure it was an easy recovery pace like I'd planed. After doing research and posting the Running Form blog post today I felt I should examine my form during the run. My stride is fairly good and, my arms don't cross my centerline but they may swing in a little more than I'd like. Running up and downhill felt easier now that I am thinking about how I'm doing it. The path I took today in my mind seemed short but my body and exertion told me it was right. I did some foam rolling and the hip workout today before the run. I may address the cadence part of form later but I haven't delved into it very far. My cadence good and steady at the beginning but slowed toward the middle and end. I do feel the other basics of form are more important to master before thinking about the rapidity of my foot steps.
Fri 2.5mi run- I forgot to take the arch supports out of my shoes today before my run. Keeping good form felt fairly easy. I can see how my body has gotten used to doing less work with the arch supports in. I have deffinatly grown to like the more sensory input I get from having less structure to my shoes. It will just take more time for my body to get used to controlling more stabilizer muscles by building up more strength so they don't have to work as hard. Beautiful day but cold- just under 40 degrees. Need new shoes, the cushioning is gone from the forefoot of mine. Did an easy set of the hip workout today. I thinki it may have helped on my run my hips and gluts felt more engaged.
Sat 50 min run- Happy Valentines Day! A hearty day of work from 8:30am to 9:00pm plus my long run. It helped that Wayne had made commitments to be at work at 6am to help set up for the USNWC's Frigid 5k before he ran in the race at 8am. My crazy wonderful husband later told me he reached the first stage of hypothermia (apparently uncontrollable shaking and muscle stiffness/tension) after the polar plunge because he jumped in a second time after he'd cooled down from the run to help encourage another jumper partake in the plunge. He just can't resist encouraging others and trying to pump up the crowd. His gregariousness is something I certainly lack and maybe envy. But he more than makes up for my ineptitude and it's one of the reasons I love him so much. So, anyway, I had an excuse to get up and go to work early to run on the beautiful trails. It was another slow and steady run in below freezing temperatures. It was a good thing I did go early because, I later realized that with the race being run on the USNWC parkway (the only road into work) and the road being closed during the race. There is no way I would have made it into work on time if I had tried to arrive and park just the usual five minutes early before my shift. All day my mood was happier than usual because I felt like I'd accomplished so much by noon. I'm afraid after dinner wasn't as romantic as my husband had hoped because we conked out early on the couch again after a delicious home made candle lit dinner of asparagus rice pilaf and portabella alfredo chicken, a movie "Romancing The Stone", and a glass of wine.
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